Category: Free Inquiry

This is the category to apply to your Free Inquiry posts.

Picking Up Speed

This week I kept moving on my crochet. I feel like I’ve really started to get in a rhythm with it and have begun to know what I need to do to properly crochet my toque. In this first image, at the beginning of the week, I was using two crochet markers to mark the area where I move to single stitches but I found that I was still not certain on the other side where my final stitch was before flipping it and going back across.

By Wednesday, in this second image, I added in a third stitch marker to help with knowing fully when I got to my final stitch. This helped a lot and I was able to pick up the speed a bunch. At this point, the crocheting was starting to become fun and I began looking forward to working on my toque. I no longer had to pay as much attention to what I was doing and began being able to watch TV while crocheting.

This is where I got to by Saturday night! As you can see I have made a lot of progress. I think by reading break I will be done with this part and be able to begin the final steps of creating my toque. This process has been quicker than I thought and I am looking forward to the idea of maybe starting another crochet project after this.

Updates soon! Hopefully with a final toque reveal!

Starting My Toque!

Starting my toque has been a bit of a bumpy start, as learning something new often is. Last weekend I returned to Michael’s and bought proper stitch markers. I also asked my friend if she had any videos that she watched when she made her first toque. She showed me this one below which I have decided to use as my primary guide when constructing my hat:

After watching this video, I practiced my single and double stitches for a while and then began crocheting the actual toque. I found that following the video, without any guidance from an actual human when I had questions or concerns was very tricky. I got a decent amount started, as you can see below, but then decided to stop until I could show my friend and get feedback because the stitches were looking a bit wonky.

Once I showed my friend she informed me that is was indeed very wonky, and I had to unravel the entire thing and start over. We then went over the stitches again (which I had been doing entirely wrong) as well as what to do when you get to the end of the row and want to start a new one. Her feedback was super helpful and has led me to where I am currently at with the toque today:

While progress is slow, I think I am starting to get the hang of it. Over the next couple weeks I want to keep working on the toque, focusing on remembering to count my stitches (which I always forget to do!) and getting faster. I expect to make more mistakes so stay tuned for the next blunder!

Until next week!

Project Prep

Photo by Merylove Art on Unsplash

For my inquiry project I have decided that I want to learn how to…**drum roll**…crochet! Yay! My goal is to be able to successfully crochet a toque by the end of the EDCI 336 course. I have no previous experience crocheting, knitting, or anything related, and am excited to try to learn a new skill.

To prepare myself for my Inquiry Project I spoke to two of my friends who both have experience crocheting. From these conversations I learned about the tools that I would need (crochet hooks of various sizes, yarn, and a stitch marker) and that making a toque would be a reasonable goal to start with. From there I ventured to Michaels to collect my supplies. I bought a crochet hook set with 6 hook sizes and a roll? bunch? ball? of yarn in the super exciting colour grey! I asked about the stitch marker but the worker did not know what I was talking about (not-so-subtle foreshadowing here) so I did not get one.

Once I had my supplies gathered my next step was to watch a youtube video on crocheting a toque. I watched this one: It became apparent very quickly that I should have also watched the video before I shopped, because I soon learned that a stitch marker is not a drawing marker/pen but rather a clip that “marks” your spot. I’m already learning new things! No wonder the worker had no idea what I was talking about! I plan to return to Michaels in the next few days to retrieve said crochet markers and then I will try my hand at beginning the toque.

Excited to see where this learning journey take me next. Till next time.